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Dr. Shawn Yunayev - OB-GYN

Dr. Shawn Yunayev -OB-GYN

6410 Veterans Ave Suite 103,NY,
11234,United States

Dr. Shawn Yunayev - OB-GYN practices in Brooklyn, NY, and offers women's healthcare and medical aesthetics services for all ethnicity and age groups. Dr. Yunayev provides the following services: Obstetrics and Obstetrician doctor; Prenatal Care; Genetic Testing; Gyn Examination; Endometriosis Doctor; Labiaplasty; Preconceptual Consulting Doctor; Family Planning; 3d 4d Ultrasound; Gynecologist Doctor; Women's Health Clinic; Obstetrician-gynecologist; Infectious Disease Physician; Menopause Doctor; Circumcision; Botox and many other services. Please visit our website at:http://belladonnamd.com/ for a complete list of services.
Dr. Shawn Yunayev is available for your appointment at Address: 6410 Veterans Ave Suite 103, Brooklyn, NY 11234

Please call us at: Phone: (718) 209-6400 to setup your appointment.

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