About us
BIGWIGBIZ.COM was established 2006 as a free on-line website for all companies worldwide to the have the opportunity of being listed on a global website at no cost. Over the years it has established a huge database of companies from all over the world. Companies join every day to have their business listed on BIGWIGBIZ.COM to be viewed by millions.
The hard copy era of searching through printed business pages to find suppliers of products and services are past and gone, everyone in this modern day desires to find information quickly at the stroke of a button or swipe of a finger.
BIGWIGBIZ.COM offers you five important key benefits and advantages for joining up today:-
- Increase your awareness - In this modern fast paced hi-tech market, buyers first go to on-line business directories to find suppliers of products and services to meet their needs, the more web-directories that your company is listed in, the quicker and easier it is for new potential buyers to find you.
- Improve your search engine optimization - Being listed on as many on-line directories as possible will increase your presence on the internet, google will add a new listing in their algorithms for your company. BIGWIGBIZ.COM can also provide you with multiple backlinks to your own company website, which also increases SEO to you.
- Company verification - Your company can be verified which adds credibility to your business.
- BIZ-Rated - Your company can be business rated for free by 10 of your best independent suppliers or companies that you currently deal in business transactions with. This will dramatically increase your credibility to your customers and clients.
- Give increased value to your reputation - Buyers want to trust the suppliers that they are dealing with on-line, they want to know that the company they are dealing with are a reputable and trustworthy business, they want to know that you are everything that your business suggest that you are in the shop window graphics displayed on your website. When you are BIZ-Rated, you can display the BIZ-Rated certificate icon on your website which will improve both your reputation and credibility to your customers.
Our mission
BIGWIGBIZ.COM desires to bring good honest ethical businesses together across the globe, irrespective of size or type, from the very smallest self-employed individual business enterprise to the mega giant corporations of international commerce.