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Malcolm Tator Law

Malcol mTator

2775 N Ventura Rd #106,CA,
93036,United States

Malcolm Tator Law is a Ventura County Real Estate Law Firm, specializing in Real Estate Fraud, Medical Malpractice, and Insurance Fraud. We have extensive experience with Real Estate Litigation. As Oxnard Attorneys, our 36 years of practice include years as insurance company counsel. This has resulted in extensive experience in the areas of Insurance Law, Ventura County Medical Malpractice Law, Wrongful Death, and All Torts, such as personal injury, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, libel, slander, fraud, and interference withbusiness. Judges presiding over courtrooms have said Malcolm R.Tator is, "one of the top three attorneys in the county."It has also been said of Malcolm R. Tator he can "locate laws no one else finds."

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