Manufacturing >> Waste Management and Removal >> Recondition Battery Services LLC

Recondition Battery Services LLC

Quentin Craft

7911 W. Hunters Run Dr.,IN,
47432,United States

Batteries are expensive: a new battery for your car will cost you anywhere from $100 to $300 dollars, depending on the make and model you drive.
If you’ve got a boat or a golf cart, the ‘deep cycle’ battery you need for it can cost you much more than that--much much more than that.
And if you own something like a forklift for your business, a new battery for it will set you back thousands of dollars!
Most people throw their dead and dying old batteries away
And that’s a terrible waste, because now there are new ways to bring dead batteries back to life, ways so advanced and efficient that chances are good (although not guaranteed) that your battery can be made just like new again--brand new!

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