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Napoli Chiropractic Center

Napoli Center

3507 Round Lake Blvd NW, Ste 300,MN,
55303,United States

Hello. I’m doctor James Napoli from Napoli Chiropractic Center in Anoka MN. I’ve been a Chiropractor for over 30 years.
I’ve assisted individuals with injuries from car accidents, work related & sports, and pain from activities from daily living.
I strive to relieve pain as quickly as possible.
Thank you for visiting my website. It holds a wealth of information, which demonstrates what makes our clinic different than others.
We use a variety of techniques in realigning the vertebrae because one technique doesn’t fit everyone.I have a variety of traction’s for the low back and neck which differ between conditions and individuals. They enhance the vertebral correction.View the videos demonstrating the different techniques on moving vertebrae and the variety of therapies that aid the different conditions and work best for the individual.

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