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Cooper Chiropractic, A Family Wellness Practice

customer services

14333 Beach Blvd #2,FL,
32250,United States

Our Mission at Cooper Chiropractic is to serve God by loving and helping as many individuals and families as possible obtain the greatest level of health through natural, specific chiropractic care. Our purpose is to allow each individual in our office to express life to the fullest and experience the upmost level of health and vitality in their daily lives. Dr. Cooper’s passion is to provide specific, affordable care for the whole family. Our patients range from newborns to 97 and we love being able to provide health and healing to every one of them.

Service/product: chiropractor

Business Hours: Mon,Wed: 8:00am-11:00am and 3:00pm-6:00pm; Tue,Thu: 2:00pm-5:00pm

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