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Avior Pictures
Chuian Feng
42D, North Canal Road singapore singapore 059298 Singapore,Singapore,
At Avior, we specialize in all aspects of wedding photography. We strongly believe that before jumping into a photography session, it is important to get to know the couple, learning about their hobbies and personalities; people tend to behave less naturally when a photographer points a camera lens at them and if they are in a comfortable environment doing familiar things, the photos will look more natural and radiate more of their personalities. Our photos tend to be very non-traditional and dynamic, telling a story of a couple, their relationship, and some of the things that bring them great joy while together. This approach to wedding photography led us to create Avior Pictures. In addition to the company echoing our photography ideals, Avior wishes to give back to society by sharing and imparting photography knowledge unselfishly through its photography courses that target both amateurs and professionals alike. This unique style of taking photography has won us many international honors and accolade.