Business Services >> Human Resources >> Banah Pregnancy Clinic

Banah Pregnancy Clinic

Angie Treadaway

329 West Oxford Street,MS,
38863,United States

Banah is a free resource clinic offering compassionate support for those facing the difficult decisions involved in unplanned pregnancy situations. We understand that pregnancy decisions are an emotional and private choice. We do not discriminate based on age, race, religious affiliation, or any arbitrary circumstances. Services include pregnancy tests, ultrasound, resources on pregnancy options, abortion, pregnancy care, child birth, and parenting. We offer material assistance through earn while you learn programs and community referrals. All services are free and confidentiality is guaranteed. Interested clients will find support in exploring the spiritual dimensions of their choices. While caring prayer support is available, it is never imposed. Pregnancy test negative? Our services also include resources to mentor, educate, and empower clients in the areas of dating, relationships, and personal life- planning to achieve personal goals. Banah is here to help with all of the hard questions and responsibilities that come with unplanned pregnancy. We pledge to provide honest answers and ongoing support. Because we care.

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