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Wells, Purcell, & Kraatz

WPK Media

1619 Pennsylvania Avenue,tx,
76104,United States

Attorneys at Wells, Purcell, and Kraatz use over 62 years of combined experience to deliver results to clients in the Dallas Fort Worth area with compassion and efficiency. Specializing in personal injury, attorneys Davis Purcell and Ken Kraatz are Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Additionally, they have successfully represented clients and settled cases including but not limited to car and truck crashes, premises liability, drunk driving, and wrongful death claims. Wells, Purcell, and Kraatz understands every case is unique and devotes individualized attention to each client in order meet their legal needs. If you or someone you love has suffered a debilitating injury, you should be able to focus on recovery—not the stress and demands of a lawsuit. With our dedicated team of professionals, clients can rest assured their claim is in competent, caring, hands.

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