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Fern Valley Chiropractic

Dr. Steve Jones

3407 Fern Valley Road,Kentucky,
40213,United States

Dr. Steven Jones of Fern Valley Chiropractic, Louisville, KY specializes in providing gentle, safe and effective Chiropractic care to people of all ages. With more than 15 years of experience as a chiropractor in Louisville, KY Dr. Jones has helped hundreds of patients get relief from pain using latest chiropractic techniques.

Dr. Steven Jones uses the latest and most technologically advanced chiropractic techniques to ensure long-term results for our clients. Non-surgical and non-invasive chiropractic methods help solve the root cause of your pain condition providing lasting relief.

If you are suffering from a bulging disc, spinal decompression, herniated disc, or sciatica, Fern Valley Chiropractic office is the place to call.

We accept most insurance plans and provide no-obligation new patient consolation. Visit us on for more information or Call (502) 961-9355 to know how your louisville chiropractor - Dr. Steven Jones can help you.

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