Health and Personal Care >> Cosmetic Surgery >> Beverly Friedlander MD

Beverly Friedlander MD

Doctor Bev

111 Madison Ave #311,New Jersey,
07960,United States

"Beverly Friedlander MD, is a specialist in aesthetic plastic surgery, focusing on plastic surgery of the breasts, body contouring-tummy tucks and liposuction, facial rejuvenation and much more. She is dedicated to achieving natural appearing results which balance and enhance her patient's existing features, while providing the best possible outcome and care. She believes there can be no compromise when it comes to her patient's health and well being.Cosmetic surgery in New Jersey gives you the ability to do more than simply change your appearance. It can transform the way you feel about yourself and the way you interact with the world around you. This process begins when you set up the consultation. Dr Friedlander's attentive staff will answer any questions and arrange for your appointment in our Short Hills or Morristown office. They are committed to making your experience as seamless and exceptional as possible."

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