Beauty, Skin Care and Fragrances >> Skin & Hair Care >> Allure Skin & Laser Center

Allure Skin & Laser Center

Ethel Jones

240 E Lake St #308,Illinois,
60101,United States

​Allure Skin & Laser Center, where our top priority is providing you with the highest standard of skin care available. Located in Addison,

Illinois,we are a medical spa offering quality care for patients of all ages, including children and adults. We work with each patient individually and

take a team approach in determining the treatment that is best for your specific needs and desires. We also believe in the importance of patient

education and promise to keep you thoroughly informed of your treatment options and progress. Our office is equipped with state-of-the-art

technology, allowing our staff to provide a complete menu of services, including laser hair removal, tattoo removal and skin resurfacing.

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