Health and Personal Care >> Dentistry >> Kelowna Dental Centre

Kelowna Dental Centre

Dr. Michael

Here at Kelowna Dental Centre, our focus is on Family Dentistry; providing care to patients of all ages. We view our clinic as a leading centre for oral health and take great pride in the extensive services offered at our clinic. The comprehensive approach we apply to every patient’s oral health, strongly emphasizes prevention and maintenance, and we strive to educate our patients on the most advanced research in dentistry – This allows them to always make informed and confident decisions for what best fits their needs. Our goal is to create Individualized ‘Life’ Treatment Plans; specific plans for each individual with a focus on prioritizing treatment based on urgency and need. We are pleased to offer a variety of sedation options to reduce dental anxiety, and promote assurance for comfortable appointments. We always practice Evidence-Based Dentistry which means we only provide services and treatment modalities supported by the latest in Scientific Research.,British Columbia,
V1Y 3J2,Canada

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