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WellSpine PA Surgery Center

Wellspine pa

8215 Westchester Dr.,TX,
75225,United States

Under the direction of Dallas neurosurgeon Dr. Frank J. Batlle, WellSpine is dedicated to offering the most comprehensive catalog of healthcare services for the spine conditions that plague Dallas residents.

Dr. Batlle uses the most advanced and effective minimally invasive surgeries to correct common spine disorders, like sciatica, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and osteoporosis. Additionally, WellSpine proudly offers Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF) for its patients who require spinal fusion operations. This remarkable minimally invasive approach to spinal surgery effectively reduces the patient's pain and replaces the unhealthy disc with a stabilizing implant.

Visit WellSpine to learn about how Dr. Batlle can offer you relief from your spine condition. For more details logon

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