Health and Personal Care >> Medicine >> Lipinski Chiropractic, PA

Lipinski Chiropractic, PA

Sebastian Lipinski

182 Thomas Johnson Drive, Suite 201, Frederick,Maryland,
21702,United States

The greatest wealth a person possesses is health. Our goal is to empower you to take control of your health naturally to help you remain independent as you get older. Chiropractic is the science, philosophy, and art that utilizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery.The spine is our lifeline, and through chiropractic adjustments we help the body heal itself. Chiropractic care improves quality of life by freeing the body from nerve interference. Some of the most common conditions we help patients overcome are: spinal aches and pains, numbness, tingling, sciatica, fibromyalgia, migraines, and tension headaches. Some other exciting changes that we see with chiropractic care include: improved sleep, reduced stress and anxiety, stronger immune system, and elimination of brain fog.We believe that the greatest medicine is to teach people how not to need it. We educate our patients about chiropractic as well as the importance of nutrition, exercise, positive attitude, and other healthy habits.

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