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Outdoor Bar & Restaurant

Outdoor barny3

184 Oxford St, first floor, Brooklyn,NY,
11235,United States


Mon - Fri 8 a.m - 8 p.m Sat- Sun 10 a.m - 8 p.m

All cc, cash

In Chillax we believe that tasty food can be healthy. The majority of our produce is farm-raised and locally sourced. In our dishes we use only organic greens, hand made* meat patties, french fries, pastas, pastries, and many other house-made ingredients.

Chillax Manhattan Beach cafe located in South Brooklyn is all about exceptional quality coffee, locally sourced and organic food, vintage decor and HDTVS for all the games and private events. Open for Breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner.

Vegetarian food: best dishes at restaurant. Vegan pizza with jackfruit drenched in barbecue sauce, juicy pineapple, and bold bits of tomatoes is extremely appetizing.
Dining out as a vegan can be sometimes a struggle, but if you have nice restaurant in your town it may be a delicious change of pace. Plenty of vegan-friendly restaurants offer tasty dishes of different cuisines that don’t have any traces of animal products.

Meat-free and dairy-free ingredients are used to create these dishes. Beans, soy, tofu, mushrooms, various vegies and fruit as well as seasonings are usual components of vegan menu. Flavor combinations of the meal may be so yummy that visitors even find vegetarian dishes more delicious than non-vegetarian ones.

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