Agriculture >> Farms >> Quail Flower Barn

Quail Flower Barn

Cheryl Konn

501 Quail Gardens Dr,California,
92024,United States

Quail Flower Barn is in the heart of the agricultural hub of Encinitas. We are just north of the new Encinitas community garden. Our neighbors include, the San Diego Botanic Gardens, San Deguito Heritage Museum and Leichtag Foundation's which is the Coastal Roots Farm.

We Homesteaded the “property” living in a tent while we built the house, then the barn. Our focus was a plant nursery but what was our biggest drawing factor was being next to the Paul Ecke Poinsettia Ranch. With the ranch only wholesale we where handed a retail opportunity by the ranch, with referrals. These referrals blossomed into a mecca for floral quality poinsettia at Christmas time. Today we are still providing a high quality poinsettia.

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