Real Estate >> Residential >> Opaque - Dining in the Dark

Opaque - Dining in the Dark

Opaque - Dining in the Dark

2020 Wilshire Blvd,CA,
90403,United States

Address: 2020 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90403, United States
Phone: 310-546-7619

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About the business:
Opaque - Dining in the Dark is one of the most unique culinary experiences known today. In this era of information overload, visual stimulation has reached an all time pinnacle. But imagine, just for an hour or two that you cannot see, that you are abandoning vision in exchange for a new, more stimulating dining experience – this is “Dining in the Dark”. The Opaque experience is a journey of your remaining senses. Arriving in California on the crest of the latest dining trend sweeping through Europe, based on an ingenious European concept that has enjoyed great popularity in cities like Berlin, Paris, and Vienna - the first ever “Dining in the Dark” experience is now available in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Opaque also produces 'dining in the dark' events all over the U.S! Look for the next Opaque - Dining in the Dark experience in a city near you!

Categories: Restaurant
Keywords: Santa Monica Restaurant, Unique Dining Los Angeles

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