Electronics and Telecom >> Electrical >> Bus Repair Shop
Bus Repair Shop
Bus Shop
970 stanleyave
Brooklyn, NY, 11208,NY,
11208,United States
US Fleet has been customizing and restoring vehicles for over 14 years. Their facilities located in the New York City metropolitan area is a one stop, complete custom shop. Some of our builds are over the top, some are moderate, but all of our work at US Fleet is cutting edge custom.
Whether you want a full build, from rendering to reality, new custom paint job, or need to add a simple system to your vehicle, contact US Fleet. We have perfected custom while offering impeccable customer service.
US Fleet Becker never loses sight of our customer's individual needs. To this end, and with safety foremost in our minds, we will do everything possible to meet special requests. We are intensely proud of our employee's skill levels, including our engineering and design personnel, electronics technicians, projects and metal fabrication workers and our incredible interior artisans.
Many repair shops don't understand that buses are unique machines, and require knowledgeable technicians. We are familiar with all makes and models of coaches, transit buses, school buses, and cutaways. We have over 30 years of experience doing bus repairs and our technicians are ready to tackle any problem you are having with your bus.