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Rug Restoration NYC

Rug Restoration

6 East 39th Street # 804A,NY,
10016,United States

Abcrugrestoration is your trustworthy local rug cleaning New York City company. We understand the investment you’ve made in your rugs, and you can trust us to take proper care of your rugs and deliver them odorless and contamination-free.

Antique rugs (that is, rugs over 60 years old) are delicate handcrafts that need special care and attention to ensure their beauty is preserved, abc rug restoration’s antique rug cleaning process will leave your rug in pristine condition.

At ABC Rug Restoration, after determining a rug’s specific treatment, the rug will be dusted, hand-washed in an immersion bath, and then carefully laid flat to dry in a climate-controlled room. This tailor-made process will not only clean your antique rug, but also improve its sheen and feel.

Oriental rugs are a pleasure to look at and have in a living room or an open corridor. They are an example of your taste and can tie a room together in a unique way. Whether it’s a Persian, Tibetan or a Chinese rug, it’s a special way of decorating your house and giving it a personal touch. But in order to keep its form and shape for many years, an Oriental rug has to be cared by experts.

Persian rugs, synonymous with excellence, are top-quality rugs, made in an array of styles, patterns, colors, and textures. Known for their unparalleled carpet-making culture, Persian rugs are replicated continuously for their timeless beauty and classic elegance.

Because of the level of skill involved in weaving them, it is vital that they are treated carefully and given expert cleaning and repair.
We assess your rug’s specific needs before we begin to correct any problems. We will also advise you on the specific process we plan to undertake, so you know exactly what to expect.

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