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West U Family Dental

Dr. John Schulze

3173 W Holcombe Blvd,Texas,
77025,United States

Serving the dental needs of the entire family, West U Family Dental offers comprehensive dental care. Our services include general dentistry, restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and periodontal health (gum health). We are conveniently located in the heart of Houston, in the West University Place area.

At West U Family Dental, routine dental cleaning and preventive care appointments include individual consultations and dental exams, cleanings, digital x-rays (when needed), and a focus on encouraging proper home care and overall oral health. We also provide dental sealants to help protect teeth against decay, and fluoride treatments for healthier and stronger tooth enamel.

Restorative dental needs are very common throughout our lives. Our services include tooth-colored dental fillings, natural looking porcelain dental crowns and fixed bridges, endodontics (root canal therapy), athletic mouth guards and dental night guards, extractions, dental implant restorations, dentures and removable partial dentures.

Gum health is often overlooked by patients, but is vital to overall oral health. Our periodontal dentistry service involves the diagnosis of gum disease, treatment, and appropriate maintenance. We also screen for early detection of oral cancer.

If cosmetic dentistry and improving your smile is one of your goals, we can help with services ranging from minor tooth adjustments and smile enhancements to dramatic smile makeovers. Our cosmetic dentistry services also include tooth-colored fillings, porcelain crowns and fixed bridges, clear and removable Invisalign® braces, dazzling porcelain veneers and Lumineers®, and professional teeth whitening for a cleaner looking and brighter smile!

Some aspects of West U Family Dental that make us special are:

Special Topical for no pain and other sedation dentistry options
3D CT scans at no additional charge
Insurance friendly
TVs and music in treatment rooms
Coffee, tea and water bar
Children’s room

Additionally, if you are suffering from a toothache or dental pain and need a same day appointment, we offer a Good Samaritan Policy – your exam and x-ray are at no cost if we can help!

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